Octave -- an alternative for Matlab/Scilab

Trying to use Octave to substitute Matlab/Scilab. Here are some tips

1. Octave, linux version, control fonts in two categories. One is controlled by the fontsize keyword such as the xlabel, ylabel, legend and title. The other can be manipulated using postscript.

1. Part One (controlled by using fontsize/fontname keywords)

Change text size:
  • text(10, 2, '{\fontsize {18} Whatever }')
  • legend('{\fontsize {24} legend item 1}')
  • xlabel('label for x-axis') or xlabel('{\fontsize {24} label for x-axis}')
Change text style
  • xlabel( '{ \bf label name for x}'), where \bf stands for bold fonts
  • \it stands for italic font
  • \sl stands for oblique font
  • \rm stands for normal font
2. Part Two: e.g., the fontsize for x tics, use -F optoin for postscript output in print
  • print -depsc2 -Ffontname:fontsize output.ps
  • print -dpesc2 -FTimes-Roman:36 output.ps
  • print ("output.ps","-depsc2","-FTimes-Roman:36")



